Case Study – Poly Processing

Manufacturing company sees 10x ROI from inbound marketing


The Challenge

Develop an Online Presence That Drives New Business

Every day at facilities around the globe, less than two inches of polyethylene plastic is all that keeps thousands of gallons of potentially dangerous chemicals safe. For plant managers, choosing the right tank is an essential responsibility.

Fortunately, leading plastic tank manufacturer Poly Processing Company has the technologically advanced innovations that plant managers need.

Photo of a chemical tank

While Poly Processing knew their customers well and had sales success offline, their online presence wasn’t contributing to the bottom line.

They wanted their website to be a valuable sales and marketing tool, but needed guidance on how to accomplish this goal.

At the time, Poly Processing’s sales process focused primarily on trade shows and faced two key challenges:

  • Too little information on their website, which prevented potential customers from understanding detailed product specifications and why their products are superior.
  • The absence of focused inbound marketing caused them to miss key audiences searching for knowledge and product information online.
Photo of a worker putting a fitting hole in a chemical tank

"The Whittington team knows almost as much about the tanks as our own people who talk to the customers. They are an involved partner. They actually do sell tanks for us."

Photo of Randy Zimmer from Poly Processing
Randy Zimmer Poly Processing

Our Solution

A New Digital Presence To Connect With Their Target Audience

When Poly Processing first came to Whittington Consulting, we began by diving into their target audiences, competitive advantages, and online challenges.


Using this insight, we worked with them to:

Create buyer profiles to define exactly who Poly Processing needed to reach online

Develop an online marketing strategy to engage their target audiences and drive sales through the website

Enable visitors to get closer to the point of sale by allowing them to configure their exact tank needs without leaving the site

Design a responsive website that allows visitors to access information when and where they need it

Share Poly Processing's industry expertise and innovations through timely blog content, videos, and resources

Transform the site into a lead generation tool by requiring visitors to provide contact details in order to access valuable information

Build a mobile application that distributors and sales reps can use to spec tank systems on mobile devices in the field

The Result

The Industry’s Go-To Manufacturer

Today, Poly Processing’s sales team stays busy working hundreds of leads from their website each month.

Content marketing drives solid traffic to the site, where ebooks and other lead-generation content transform that traffic into sales-ready prospects. Plus, the tank configurator tool we created and maintain for their website connects their team to customers who know exactly what they want — and are ready to purchase Poly Processing’s products. By combining our Google and HubSpot expertise, we were able to bring their cost-per-lead down to a tenth of what it was when we started working together.

With our ongoing website and content support, they’re continuously generating new qualified leads and adding revenue to their bottom line.

Poly Processing currently gains $10 of revenue from each marketing dollar they spend.

Poly Processing website mockups

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