Case Study

HR Consulting Firm Revolutionizes Sales Efficiency with a Custom HubSpot CRM Implementation

An HR consultancy hired our team to implement HubSpot CRM in their organization. Their unique approach is reflected in their subscription-based HR services for small businesses. Their offerings range from HR evaluations and employee handbooks to outsourced recruiting, compliance, and more.


The Challenge

  • Sales funnel disarray: The firm’s leadership was conscious of their need to improve tracking of their sales funnel and customer accounts.
  • Inefficient tools: Before approaching us, they were using a simple Word document to guide and manage their sales process, which wasn’t yielding the desired results.
  • Analysis paralysis: The firm had considered multiple CRM systems but found the idea of testing, planning, and migrating daunting.

The firm had several strategic goals they wanted to accomplish:

  • Unearth upsell opportunities within their existing client base.
  • Ensure their Business Development Reps (BDRs) were consistently executing sales activities.
  • Collect detailed reporting for sales management purposes, including sales activities by individual employees and measuring their sales opportunity pipeline.

What They Said

"Whittington Consulting provided personalized, relationship-based support to get us up and running on HubSpot. Love working with the team. They really know this space well. Enough to know what to ask ahead of time for us to properly fund and plan out our migration over to HubSpot. They have also been instrumental in our understanding of CRM integration with Marketing Automation, including creating efficiencies from website to CRM intake for prospecting and lead development. This team has also become trusted advisors in understanding the analytics side of meeting our marketing and sales goals. Highly recommend."

Our Solution

Optimized sales process

Reviewed and digitized their sales process, translating it into a clear business process workflow diagram. This also revealed areas needing more attention, especially in terms of follow-up. To address this, automated follow-up emails were introduced.

Pilot testing

We started by implementing the HubSpot CRM for two users, planning to extend it to the rest of the team after refining and training.

Seamless website integration

The HubSpot tracking code was embedded into their Wordpess website, with web forms integrated to feed data directly into HubSpot, thus notifying the team instantaneously.

Communication sync

Integrated Microsoft Outlook to HubSpot, ensuring all email communications were automatically recorded in the CRM so reps would have full context when reviewing a Contact record.

CRM personalization

Customized their CRM with custom Contact and Deal fields vital for their business and configured default views for easy access to regularly used data.


A sample sales dashboard was crafted to help them track the sales pipeline and related activities.

Efficiency tools

Introduced meeting links and incorporated their existing email templates directly into HubSpot, eliminating the need to use external Word documents.

The Result

Every business, regardless of its niche, deserves an efficient and streamlined CRM process. This case exemplifies how a tailored HubSpot CRM implementation can transform sales efficiency and improve lead management. If you see your business facing similar challenges, let's rewrite your sales story. Let's make your processes efficient, just like we did for this HR consultancy.

  • Leads flow from their website into HubSpot with no manual effort or data entry.
  • The team doesn’t have to cut and paste from Word documents when it’s time to send an email to prospects. They just pull up the template inside HubSpot.
  • Team members can book meetings with prospects without having to go back and forth on meeting dates and times.
  • Leadership can track sales progress with a dashboard that shows lead flow through the website, win percentage, average time to close a deal, and more.
  • We held a recorded training with the team to make them proficient on using the sales process in HubSpot Sales Hub.
  • We provided additional time for follow-up and Q&A for 90 days after project delivery.

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