Case Study

Greater Richmond Partnership

Greater Richmond Partnership (GRP) is dedicated to promoting the economic development advantages of the Richmond region. To better serve its target audiences—CEOs, site consultants, investors, media, and local brokers—GRP recognized the need to redesign its website. The goal was to enhance user experience, improve lead generation, and effectively communicate the unique advantages of locating in Richmond.


The Challenge

Modernize Visuals and Engage Visitors

GRP's existing website faced several challenges:

  1. Outdated Visual Design: The website lacked modern design elements, making it less engaging for visitors.
  2. Content Overload: Visitors found it difficult to navigate through dense, text-heavy content, particularly in the newsroom.
  3. Inconsistent Navigation: Navigation across the site was inconsistent, leading to a fragmented user experience.
  4. Low Conversion Rates: There was an opportunity to add calls to action (CTAs), resulting in more conversions for lead generation.
  5. Limited Engagement Features: The website did not fully utilize dynamic content, media relations, or HubSpot capabilities for automation and lead follow-up.

Our Solution

A Website That Promotes Economic Development

To address GRP's challenges, we implemented a comprehensive redesign strategy focused on optimizing content clarity, enhancing user experience, and engaging visual design. We simplified navigation, added calls to action to improve conversion, and added modern visuals like photography and infographics. We utilized HubSpot for form submissions and lead management while adding dynamic content to keep the site fresh.

Photo montage of GRP website pages

Clear and Compelling Content

  • Optimized the hero image and video with engaging messaging that resonates with target audiences.
  • Simplified and categorized content, especially in the Newsroom, to make it easily navigable and digestible.
  • Clearly communicated Richmond's unique selling points to highlight its attributes and advantages.

Enhanced User Experience

  • Improved interior page functionality with consistent navigation across all pages.
  • Increased the number and visibility of calls to action to guide users toward desired actions such as filling out forms or signing up for newsletters.
  • Implemented dynamic content features to keep related content fresh and engaging.

Engaging Visual Design

  • Incorporated modern visuals, including more photography and contemporary design elements inspired by industry-leading companies in the region.
  • Used infographics and videos to convey information quickly and effectively, reducing reliance on text-heavy content.

Effective Lead Generation

  • Utilized HubSpot to its full potential for form submissions, lead follow-up, and automation.
  • Added a dedicated media relations and download center to provide valuable resources for media professionals.

Comprehensive and Accessible Information

  • Developed a categorized, searchable, and filterable investor directory.
  • Ensured important data and reports were easily accessible to researchers and site consultants.

Targeted Audience Engagement

  • Tailored content and features to the specific needs and preferences of target audiences, including success stories and testimonials to appeal to site consultants and CEOs.
  • Highlighted quality of life information to attract potential investors and companies.
  • Added HubSpot calls to action to key pages to generate new leads.

Visible Contact Information

  • Ensured consistent contact information, including faces and contact details, was visible at the bottom of every page.
  • Implemented HubSpot Chat functionality on select pages to facilitate real-time engagement with visitors.

Continuous Improvement

  • Established a system for regularly gathering user feedback and analyzing website performance data to make ongoing improvements.
  • Website scans occur monthly to highlight areas for search engine optimization improvement.

The Result

An Award-Winning Website That Captures the Energy of the Region

The website redesign project for GRP achieved success through the following:

  • More Visitors: The search-engine-optimized website saw a 15.58% increase in website traffic year-over-year.
  • Increased User Engagement: The modern visual design and engaging content led to an 86.4% engagement rate.
  • More Sales Opportunities: Roughly 2.5x more sales-qualified leads were generated after the new website went live.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: The strategic placement of CTAs and effective use of HubSpot led to a 27.6% year-over-year increase in form submissions and newsletter sign-ups.
  • Positive Feedback: User feedback highlighted the ease of navigation and the appealing visual design, with many users appreciating the clarity and accessibility of information.
Greater Richmond Partnership screenshot

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