When you think about optimizing your website for leads and conversions, you think about offering high quality, exclusive content, right? You think about persuasive landing pages. You think about clear and compelling calls to action.
But do you think about factors like incorporating contact forms into your web pages? Displaying a phone number and an email address prominently?
Chances are, you probably don't. And you're not alone. A startling number of small business owners don't take contact information into account when it comes to lead generation:
Contact information might seem like a pretty trivial detail at first. But what if 70% of your sales leads come in by phone? What if you could boost your conversion rate by almost 2% just by including contact information?
Don't let a silly mistake on your website deprive you of new leads and sales. Make contact information quick and easy to access. It's a simple and surefire way to maximize your online lead generation efforts.
So, how do you go about doing this? Let's take a look at some examples.
Law firm Springhouse Solicitors includes their phone number and email address at the top of every page, in the website header. The straightforward design makes it fast and easy to spot Springhouse's contact information.
Sky's Guide Service is a fishing guide located in Portland, Oregon. Like Springhouse, they've included a phone number in the website header.
The phone number is also in the footer. With information readily available in a number of places on the page, customers won't have to hunt for a "contact us" link. Making a phone call is effortless.
They also add prominent social media icons in the footer, giving potential customer quick access to additional ways to research the company and reach out.
For restaurants, medical facilities or other brick-and-mortar businesses, being accessible is crucial to business success.
The big street numbers in Caravan's physical address make it easy to figure out where you need to go.
North Carolina dental practice Day & Night Family Dental gives patients a number of ways to get in touch:
When thinking about ways to improve your website's performance, don't overlook the small stuff. Every little detail counts! Adding a phone number to your homepage or using a contact form throughout your site's subpages could be the magic ingredient that takes your lead generation results from okay to outstanding.
How easy is it to contact you? Could your website be costing you sales?
Let us help you turn business around. Give us a shout at (804) 592-0190, or drop us a line at projects@rickwhittington.com.