AI Ethics and Usage Policy

  1. We believe in the responsible design, development, deployment, and operation of AI technologies.
  2. We believe in a human-centered approach to AI that empowers and augments professionals. AI technologies should be assistive, not autonomous. 
  3. We believe that humans remain accountable for all decisions and actions, even when assisted by AI. The human must remain in the loop in all AI applications. 
  4. We believe in the critical role of human knowledge, experience, emotion, and imagination in creativity, and we seek to explore and promote emerging career paths and opportunities for creative professionals.
  5. We believe in the power of language, images and videos to educate, influence, and affect change. We commit to never knowingly use generative AI technology to deceive; to produce content for the sole benefit of financial gain; or to spread falsehoods, misinformation, disinformation, or propaganda. 
  6. We believe in understanding the limitations and dangers of AI, and considering those factors in all of our decisions and actions. 
  7. We believe that transparency in data collection and AI usage is essential in order to maintain the trust of our audiences and stakeholders.
  8. We believe in personalization without invasion of privacy, including strict adherence to data privacy laws, mitigation of privacy risks for consumers, and following our moral compass when legal precedent lags behind AI innovation. 
  9. We believe in intelligent automation without dehumanization, and the potential of AI to have profound benefits for humanity and society.
  10. We believe in an open approach to sharing our AI research, knowledge, ideas, experiences, and processes in order to advance the industry and society.
  11. We believe in the importance of upskilling and reskilling professionals, and using AI to build more fulfilling careers and lives.
  12. We believe in partnering with organizations and people who share our principles.
  13. We believe in protecting client confidentiality and do not share client names or data with AI tools in a way that AI can associate the data with the client.

How We Use AI Today

While we are constantly experimenting with AI technologies to drive efficiency and performance across all business functions, our primary use cases today are in the generative AI space for marketing, specifically content creation for our blog, podcast, webinars, digital ads and long-form content (e.g. reports, blueprints). 

We use a collection of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products for: 

  • Speech-to-text transcription
  • Content summarization
  • Outline generation
  • Research and ideation
  • Image generation
  • Writing first drafts or improving existing copy
  • Data analysis
  • Video editing
  • Website audience analysis

Rev. 1.1 August 3, 2024

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